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Weird But True! The Meaning Of Dirt Feces In A Dream

  • Amy Deidre Amy Deidre

Feces Dream Meaning

To see feces while sleeping can be very strange and scary for someone who doesn’t know the meaning of dreams. In general, this symbol carries a good sign. There are exceptions, but most dreams related to feces are a sign of good luck, especially those related to financing, business, and prosperity.

Since ancient times, many people have thought that dreams about dung carry the meaning of good luck. Many people have indeed proved this. If one dreams about feces in the toilet, he/ she will likely earn money or be approaching payday. On the other hand, this dream also shows ugliness under certain conditions.


Some people believe that dreams of poop can be a good sign or a bad sign. For example, in some cultures, dreaming of seeing or stepping on feces is considered a sign of good luck or fortune to come. However, in other contexts, the dream may hint at problems in one’s life, such as unresolved anxiety or worries.

The interpretation of poop dreams can vary depending on the specific situation and conditions in the dream. For example, if a person dreams about cleaning up dirt, it could mean that they are trying to clear their negative thoughts and emotions. On the other hand, if one dreams about drowning in feces, it could reflect feelings of being trapped or confined in an unpleasant situation in waking life.

Dreams of poop can also have an interesting symbolic meaning. In many cases, poop can represent a desire to get rid of something unwanted or an emotional burden that is too heavy. It could reflect a person’s need to clear their thoughts and feelings so they can face new challenges with a clear head.

Dreams about dirt can also be a reflection of one’s self. There may be aspects of ourselves that need to be repaired or released. Poop in a dream can represent mistakes or failures that we may have committed and now is the time to learn from those experiences and move on.


Dreams about feces can be very disturbing and cause anxiety. However, it is important to remember that dreams are just a representation of our subconscious mind and not a reality that we should be afraid of. In order to deal with anxiety from poop dreams, it is important to identify the source of our anxiety and find ways to manage it. Talk to loved ones or consult a professional if necessary.

For a more detailed interpretation, here are some different contexts involving symbols about human excrement in dreams. Look at the one most similar to what you dreamed of and find its true meaning.

Dream of seeing the dirt

If, in a dream, you see dirt, it signifies that you will have fun in business, and as a result, your financial profits will increase. It is a great investment time, as everything indicates that luck is on your side!

Dream of stepping on dirt

While it is not very pleasant to step on dirt, the reality is that dreaming of it denotes some promising moments in your life. It can also indicate that good changes will occur soon.

Dream of holding dirt

Dreaming of holding dirt implies that you are wasting opportunities in your life, either because of fear or lack of courage. It is a clear sign that you need to be more diligent and fast so as not to miss an opportunity, or you might regret it.


Dream of dirt on your body

If you dream about human feces stuck to your body, this can show that you have bad feelings within yourself or are ashamed of something that has happened in your life. Human waste on your body can symbolize that you must improve yourself to live a more balanced and happy life.

Dream of eating dirt

It may be the most disgusting dream involving feces, but still, its meaning is perfect. This dream indicates that an extensive moment will come in your life, so big that you cannot believe it. It could be unexpected news, the arrival of great love, or something you may not be aware of. All this is luck, and he is on your side!

Dream of animal droppings

Animal droppings such as cats and dogs indicate that this is a good phase for work, for example, building a partnership with someone. It all shows that this phase will be very beneficial in this area—lots of luck regarding finances and new opportunities.